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Freakatronic Live @ Forma Bar Bloop Festival 2015

Bloop International Proactive Art Festival

Freakatronic Live | 21.07.2015 | Ibiza

Das ist wird eins von zwei extra Konzerten beim Bloop Festival!

"BLOOP is coming back to Ibiza this summer. Sprinkling the entire white isle with proactive art, encouraging all audience "to think" on a certain social theme. Who steps foot in the action radius of the BLOOP marked murals, interactive installations, music, video mappings, photography, paintings, live concerts, workshops and many many more will be reflecting on the annual theme that Biokip asks us.  

The theme for the 5th edition of Biokip`s avant-garde project is MULTIVERSE (parallel universes). The festival will run for more than a month from 16th July to 24th August colouring the Ibiza island renowned for its night life and dance music.

For the 2015 edition artists from around the globe with top notch sensitivity will be questioning, investigating and creating the MULTIVERSE (parallel universes), narrating their take on the theme in their own languages, in a way that will be comprehensible to all of us.


At BLOOP, art is for everybody."

23 Uhr
Freakatronic Stagetime
ca. 23:00 Uhr
Forma Bar
Wo genau?
Cala de Bou 44, San José, TBA Ibiza, E
Wie teuer?
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Jacklyn sagt:
Which came first, the problem or the sootuiln? Luckily it doesn't matter.
Jacklyn | 11.04.2017 - 05:43
Arnie sagt:
And I was just woeidrnng about that too!
Arnie | 14.04.2017 - 06:26
Brenley sagt:
Going to put this artilce to good use now. [url=]xqdpdekdmq[/url] [link=]psbnhu[/link]
Brenley | 15.04.2017 - 01:13
Rose sagt:
Supsgirinrly well-written and informative for a free online article. [url=]shdiwxbfns[/url] [link=]bjksusacs[/link]
Rose | 17.04.2017 - 05:52
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